How do I contact you for a non-emergency?
We welcome your calls to the office if you have a problem or a question.
Please make non-emergency calls during regular office hours, Monday through Friday, 9:00 am – 4:30 pm, when your records are readily available. Please note that our office closes for lunch from 12:00 – 1:00 pm.
When you call the office, the receptionist usually answers the phone. She will either schedule an appointment or channel your call to the person with whom you wish to speak. If a physician or nurse is busy with a patient, the receptionist will take your call and relay your message. Your call will be returned later in the day and sometimes this may be after office hours.
Because of the many calls and limited physician time, it is impossible for us to talk with each patient. Therefore, our nurses will relay your problems to us so we may answer questions, make appropriate referrals, recommend treatment or arrange for you to be seen. Please assist us in handling your telephone calls by making only necessary phone calls as early as possible in the day.
How do I contact you in an emergency?
In extreme emergencies, you should call 911 or go directly to the nearest emergency room.
Urgent or emergency calls are accepted at all hours.
In case of an emergency after hours call (405) 936-1000. Our answering service will answer your call and will notify the physician on call. All physicians in this practice alternate night calls and weekend duty.
For non-urgent calls there may be a fee charged for treatment that we administer over the telephone.
The following information is important when assessing your problem by phone:
- Date of your last menstrual period.
- All medications/hormones you are presently taking.
- If on birth control pills, the name of your pill and the day of your cycle.
- The name and telephone number of your pharmacy.
How do I prepare for a fasting lab?
Have dinner the night before and water after dinner. Have water the morning of the lab test. You will feel better if hydrated, and it will be easier to draw your blood test. No coffee, juice, or food.
Your provider likely sent electronic orders but if you have them printed, please bring your lab slip with you. You do not need an appointment, but it’s recommended to make one if you’re going to Diagnostic Laboratory of Oklahoma (DLO). There’s a drawsite conveniently located on the Lakeside campus in the Hefner Pointe building at 11101 Hefner Pointe Drive, Suite 208.