Do Your Skin a Favor: Protect It In Summer

With the outdoor season in full swing across the northern hemisphere, everyone’s thoughts should turn to sun protection,.  That means you. Whether you have light or dark skin, have blue or brown-black eyes, always sit in the shade, or often play or bask in the...

What You Should Know About 3-D Mammography

Women age 40 years and older should begin annual mammograms to help detect breast cancer. And according to study data, newer, 3-dimensional mammograms may be better at picking up invasive tumors and avoiding false alarms than traditional breast cancer screening...

Postpartum Fever

What is postpartum fever, and why does it occur? It was a common occurrence in centuries past, but in recent times has become less frequent. Still, even 21st-century medicine cannot eliminate it completely. Fever in the postpartum period occurs after 5% to 7% of...

What you need to know about Zika

Zika virus has officially reached Oklahoma. Zika, a mosquito-borne virus, in known to cause significant birth defects when pregnant women become infected. Learn more to manage your risk and ease your mind. What is Zika Virus? How much do I need to worry?

HPV: What is it, who gets it and what to do about it

HPV, or Human Papillomavirus, is the most widely-experienced sexually-transmitted disease. Certain kinds of HPV can lead to cervical and other cancers. Learn about the signs, symptoms, risks and the vaccines and other practices that can reduce your chances of becoming...

Make the most out of your Well Woman Exam

Your well-woman exam is the perfect time to take stock of your physical and emotional health. At this annual appointment, your doctor will talk with you about any concerns or questions you may have. This is also when you can undergo screenings for cancer, depression,...